Linda Turner

Linda Turner


Linda was introduced to ABOTC by her vet when she was searching for a class to train
her 4 month old Vizsla, Laney.  She wanted to make sure this smart, very active puppy
grew up to be an obedient companion.  ABOTC’s program focuses on training the
owners to train their dogs.  This was exactly what Linda and Laney needed.

After coming to class for 8 years, Linda became a volunteer instructor for the Beginner
Class in 2015 with Laney as her demonstration dog.  In 2016, she also became a CGC
(Canine Good Citizen) Evaluator.  This program, offered twice a year, is the opportunity
to help our dogs and their owners earn their first AKC title.
Active participation in class on Wednesday nights creates a strong bond between
owners and their dogs.  Linda loves to encourage those in her class to invest time in
training their dogs, to be consistent in their training and, above all, to enjoy being a
responsible dog owner.
